Have you ever had the pleasure of someone ceasing their interaction with you because they had an issue that they never shared with you? Instead of discussing it with you, they choose to discuss it with others. There could be several reasons why this phenomenon occurs. Most of the time, it has to do with people’s petty behavior.
When people change their interactions with you because of an issue that they have that you are not aware of, they are often at times because they are extremely passive. Some may even be passive-aggressive about it when you notice these types of circumstances. You tend to get upset and begin to question what you have done to warrant the person’s or group dislike towards you. Suppose they haven’t shared their reasoning with you. It’s not your fault, and you shouldn’t stress over it.
It’s not you, it’s them
When people take issue with you and have not shared it, the onus is on them. You have no responsibility in the matter if they haven’t shared it with you. Now, if they share it with others, that’s an added level of low. Why would they do this, you ask? Well, it’s to get attention. Some people will conjure up the conflict to get the attention that they so crave.
When people take issue with you and have not shared it, the onus is on them. You have no responsibility in the matter if they haven’t shared it with you.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s positive or negative. They are just happy to have it. The simple act of people asking them what’s wrong or why they haven’t been around brings them the attention they crave. If they share their issue with you and others, and people are listening and decide to take their side, the feeling is exhilarating to them, and they began to focus more on the perceived issue rather than the fact that they haven’t confronted you.
Suppose you notice this behavior in others. You can do something if you choose to. That is to ask the individual(s) what’s wrong. If they continue not to share with you the issue. Move on and keep it pushing. Life’s too short to be concerned about the petty.
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