Watching my wife and 2-year-old son sleeping without a care in the world. Sometimes you have to sit back and put into perspective what’s important. They are part of it. The other part, he’s missing in this pic. People don’t realize that when things happen to you, they happen to them as well. When people build you up, they don’t just build you up; they build your whole household. When people try to tear you down, they are trying to tear down/destroy your family as well.
The crazy thing about when people try to come for me, defame or sully my name, I tend to get extremely angry. I’m partly upset because it’s normally the people I’ve helped/looked out for. I’m 95.5% vexed about the fact that their petty behavior affects my family and me. It’s them that I am most concerned about. It’s them keeping the quislings safe. So during those moments when I want to unload a full out assault, it’s my family and friends who utter the words “They’re not even worth it Michael (they use my formal name normally in these instances); you’re held to a higher standard.” As much as this sentiment pisses me off every time I hear it, I calm down and remind myself that’s it’s not about me; it’s about THEM.
Put them to sleep yourself every night. Sing to them and cradle them in your arms and sit by them side every night. Because one day you won’t be able to, and it’s going to happen really fast. – Hayek
It’s about my family. It’s about the people that expect better of me. It’s about the people I help. It’s about the people I serve. It’s not about what I’ve done for these individuals. It’s not even about the hard work I’ve put into building a brand. It’s about the people that believe in me. So to everyone that has reminded me not to lower my standards, thank you.
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