
Choir Directing

January 18, 2024

As folk in the choir could tell you…. The way we practiced the song in rehearsal… Ain’t the way we did it in rehearsal.


After 16 years of leading choirs in Brooklyn, New York and central Ohio, I’ve found that being a gospel choir director has shaped me into a leader that has the ability to solve problems, not just within the realm of worship but as a thriving entrepreneur in the broader spectrum of the workplace too.

As a traditional gospel choir director, I tend to not direct the song according to the original recording. Almost every opportunity to worship, I go with the present benvelent energies. Meaning that while I have a frame of reference my problem solving skills allow me to make whatever adjustments necessary on the fly. Seconds matter, bringing that same energy to your business or office as I have to the altar.

Being an entrepreneur is about conducting your vision, rallying your resources, and navigating challenges with the same grace and control as guiding a choir through a Sunday morning or afternoon (depending upon your denomination.

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