
Tiger Lily Hidden Treasure

August 22, 2022

Whenever I am in a new city most folk in my circle know that I love to explore my surroundings in order to find food. So of course I do some exploring in the city in which I currently reside on the regular, if you have a chance check out some of reviews on Yelp and you will understand how serious I take my food. Asian cuisine is one of my ultimate favorites, so when I found a kind of asian fusion spot off of Gay st called Tiger Lily in columbus, Ohio, I had to try it.

My first visit to Tiger Lily was when I was walking around the city with my family. We were hungry but weren’t quite feeling the food selections that were available. My wife and I were however thirsty. We passed Tiger Lily and I looked into the windows and it seemed really quaint and cool. I beckoned to my that we go inside and check it out. She wasn’t in the mood for Asian food at the moment so in went in to get something for us to drink. I purchased 3 of their fruity iced teas and

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You’re not a failure

August 16, 2022

You may have failed, but you’re not a failure.

I’ve had situations occur in my lifetime where I felt as though because something didn’t go as planned, I was a failure. Thinking this way seeped into every aspect of my day to day.

Mike Nicholson in Downtown Columbus

Anything that didn’t pan out in my #favor, I attributed it to me being a failure, even the things that I wasn’t responsible for.

Soon I began to believe that I could not do anything right. When the things I did do turned out to be a success, I somehow made it into a big fail. For example, I sold out a 500-person event, but it was a failure because I should have found a venue to accommodate 1,500 and sold that out.

I was constantly beating myself up.

One day decided to look up the #definition of failure. I read that it meant a lack of success. I then sat down and took an inventory of my past achievements and deemed that I was not a failure because I’ve had quite a few wins.

Whatever I may have failed at didn’t justify me attaching the label of #failure to my #brand.



October 23, 2021

The need to be recognized is a powerful one. People love an excellent appellation. Especially ones that display hierarchy and, in some cases, function; the more critical sounding the name, the better; however, a title alone is not a good indicator of the value that one can bring.

When I was looking for a job, one of the things that I realized was most important besides what you did, was the title you had. Skills are excellent, but your given name and professional designation precede any of your accomplishments. Before anyone hears about what you do, they listen to who you are. Depending on how important your moniker sounds, they will automatically be impressed—titles are used at times to boost one’s self-esteem and belittle others.

While titles and places of employment can display the level of importance, they can also dictate how little respect some are given. The thing I find crazy is that often, the people that get the most disrespect are some of the most vital in our community; for instance, take garbage personnel. Quite a few people would not hesitate to judge a sanitation employee as a less valuable societal asset. But if said employees were to go on strike and the city is plagued with garage walls (like what happened in New York years ago), everyone would see their actual value.

Featured, Fighting With Wellness

They told me to Teach Zumba

June 13, 2021

Don’t Let Anyone Put You in a Box.

You have a dream that you are just dying to make come true. You’ve spent a lot of time and, in some cases, money to do what you feel you are called to do. It’s just that the thing you are into isn’t popular; everyone’s not doing it. Support is non-existent from your friends and family. They want you to pursue another avenue, one that they understand and thus shoot down your initial desire.

People will sometimes feel the need to tell you what they think you should do. Maybe they mean well, or perhaps they don’t. Either way, that is not your cross to bear. Everyone has a life to live, and they should live their life and no one else’s. Each one of us has a purpose the needs fulfilling, and yet most don’t ever reach their true potential. Obstacles like naysayers get in the way of many people working in the area they are passionate about and stop them. The thing that I learned about obstacles, though, is that they are put in place to slow you down, not stop you permanently. I am all too familiar with this life lesson; we’ve had many first-hand encounters in the fitness entrepreneurship journey.

I didn’t let others place me in the proverbial box in which they created for me.

Mike Nicholson

How It Started

After receiving my B.F.A. from Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, Ohio, I received several job offers in the graphic design realm. I worked at a couple of ad agencies, and then I opened up my own graphic design business shortly after. The money that I made was great; I enjoyed using my talents in the visual arts realm, and everything was going fantastic.

One day I woke up and placed both feet on the floor. There I sat motionless for approximately an hour deep in thought. I thought to myself, Here I was achieving greatness in the visual arts but doing nothing with my passion for performance art or fitness; I had very little involvement with dance, and I wasn’t working out anymore. So I decided to change that and came up with the bright idea of starting my own dance fitness business.

Why Didn’t They Believe In Me?

Fitness was making the come up around this time. Cardio exercises were dominating the market, this was evident due to the plethora of exercise DVDs being advertised on infomercials. Dance cardio was leading the pack with the prominent Zumba program created by Beto. Zumba seemed terrific, and all, but I wanted to do something different, something that I knew and loved growing up in Brooklyn, New York. I called what I wanted to do M. Nicholson Hip Hop Fitness; it wasn’t your average dance cardio class because I designed it to enable participants to get a full-body workout.

Why Didn’t They Believe In Me?

When I shared my idea with others, they told me that they didn’t think it would be successful. At the top of the list of why my idea wouldn’t work was that everyone was doing Zumba and that I should do it too. My friends told me to do Zumba. Zumba instructors shared that I should do Zumba. Zumba, Zumba, Zumba is all I kept hearing from everyone. I stuck to my guns and didn’t cave in and proceeded to make my vision a reality because I knew they were wrong.

What Was My Plan?

Since everyone was doing Zumba, this left the field open for another genre of dance fitness format to gain traction. I believed I had value to offer to those starting their fitness journey and to the fitness enthusiast. Hip-hop culture is intertwined throughout the world. From fashion to music down to how we dance. My observation was that more people listened to hip-hop music than anything, so it was a no-brainer.

How It’s Going.

On a night when a terrible snowstorm hit Gahanna, Ohio, M. Nicholson Hip Hop Fitness was born. Five people braved the horrific weather conditions to make it to my first class on Mill St. Fast forward a few years later; we are putting on concert-type events, and our dance fitness program had reached onwards of 6,800+ members that have graced us with their presence. Betting on me, sticking to my dream, and putting in a lot of blood, sweat, and tears paid off for me big time. I didn’t let others place me in the proverbial box in which they created for me.

Featured, Fighting With Wellness

Columbus, Ohio’s Largest Outdoor Dance Fitness Event

June 11, 2021
Flyer for the Upcoming Outdoor Dance Fitness event with Live Band and M. Nicholson Hip Hop Fitness

Columbus, Ohio Release: June 11, 2021. 

For Immediate Release

On June 22, 2021, at 6:45 pmPolaris Fashion Place and M. Nicholson Hip Hop Fitness partner up for their Summer Sweat Series to put on the most prominent outdoor dance fitness event in Central Ohio. The location for the event will be 1500 Polaris Parkway, Columbus, Ohio 43240, at the Polaris Fashion Place mall parking lot in front of the main entrance. 

“Taking our hip hop class outside shows a whole  other level of how fun working out can be! The band is awesome! The class is FIRE”

Rebecca Billingslea

What makes this Dance Fitness experience different is that we are incorporating a block party feel. We have a 5 Person LIVE BAND with world-renown musicians, Food Trucks/Vendors, and the venue of one of Ohio’s largest malls, two front parking lots that are capable of accommodating 1000+ individuals. The event is FREE to the public; however, we accept donations to keep this going into the Fall months.

List of Food Trucks/Vendors

Last year was life-changing for everyone around the world on so many levels. I don’t think anyone could have ever imagined the whole country going into quarantine for almost a year, but it happened. People lost jobs, businesses, and time with their loved ones. All the things we typically take for granted because they usually are just there for us were all of sudden out of reach. Aside from losing our connection with the outside world, many of us suffered mental and physical setbacks; this is where our partnership with Polaris Fashion Place and LifeLine of Ohio last year became impactful for the community.

Together LifeLine of Ohio, Polaris Fashion Place, and M. Nicholson Hip Hop Fitness brought the community out safely and beneficially; we started a fitness event at Polaris Fashion Place entitled “The Movement,” in which we had 500+ in attendance. This event allowed people to get out for an hour and connect with the outside world working out. It also allowed for LifeLine of Ohio, another outlet for organ donor awareness and community involvement. Us doing these things allowed for people to get better physically and mentally. We’ve had an overwhelming amount of people tell us how doing these series of classes helped them out with their depression and get into shape. “The Movement” also enabled the various food trucks/vendors that we had out to benefit financially. We are looking forward to doing this again but even bigger this time around. 


Don’t Let Them Stop You

May 18, 2021

You may be at work right now, whether you are working from the comfort of your living room or at your place of work. You wake up every morning and go through the motions just like the workday before. 

Mike Nicholson taking a leisurely stroll through Downtown Columbus
Mike Nicholson taking a leisurely stroll through Downtown Columbus

I’d rather be a failure at something I love than successful at something I hate.

George Burns

In your heart, you sense that this is not what you want your life to be. Sure it’s a stable source of income that allows you to sustain a comfortable living, but you feel that you are meant for a different path. In some cases, some of us know what exactly it is we want to do, but we allow something to hold them back. 

Most of my decisions in life were governed by this quote. “I’d rather be a failure at something I love than successful at something I hate.”

The quote haunted me for most of my adult life. I could either be unhappy doing something that kept me in the comfort zone, or I could pursue my other interests knowing that rejection and failure are always afoot. 

Mike Nicholson of M. Nicholson Hip Hop Fitness sitting in his car thinking with his finger of his cheek.
Think of a master plan. Sometimes you just have to sit back and visualize your greatness.

Total transparency, this way of thinking has not always afforded me peace of mind. It’s provided its fair share of sleepless nights and unwanted stress. It has, however, allowed fulfilling my passion. Helping people by utilizing my gifts and talents is what satiates me. If I haven’t done anything but help one person have a good day, that’s a big win for me. 

We all have larger-than-life dreams that most don’t pursue because of fear of failing or somebody who discouraged us when your vision could very well be the next groundbreaking thing. 

I want you to think about this for a moment. What would have happened if the creator of Lyft listened to the naysayers tell them that people using their vehicles to transport strangers was a bad idea. I call these cynics “Testers of Faith.” They can be annoying, but I find that they are a necessary evil in your growth and reaching your goal. 


It Won’t Go Away If You Ignore It

April 18, 2021

Have you ever had something happen to you that you didn’t want to face? It could have been a bill you weren’t ready to pay at the time. Perhaps you fell ill, and you were so scared that you didn’t go to see the doctor. Maybe you got word that a loved one was dying, and you didn’t want to be with them during their last moments. In all these situations, avoidance was the immediate remedy to an inevitable situation or circumstance, but it’s not.

Some people believe that if they ignore a problem, that it will go away; when in fact, it only gets worse. If you have a leaky pipe in your home, and you avoid taking care of it. The tube will not fix itself. If you leave the leaky pipe unattended for an extended period, it will either burst or cause a flood. If you are a homeowner and even if you rent, you understand the importance of getting the pipe repaired promptly before further and more expensive damages can occur. Just like ignoring the leaky pipe is terrible, so is ignoring the race problem that we have in this country.

The racial inequalities in these united states will not get better by ignoring the past and present evils. Whenever there is a conversation about race issues, the atmosphere tends to change, and people become uncomfortable and clam up. There is a demographic that believes that if you don’t talk about the race problem in America, that it doesn’t exist. Often when people bring up the race problems we have in this country in conversations, the people who are not/feel they are not affected by it will tell them they are the problem for constantly bring it up.

Talking about race issues isn’t going to be comfortable, but it needs to be addressed. We should engage in such dialogue whenever we can and as long as we must.


Self-Portrait illustration

February 12, 2021
Michael Nicholson Illustration self-portrait
Self-Portrait Illustration. This was a study that ended up being used for my new podcast entitled “The HUEman Races”. I used Adobe Illustrator to create this piece.
Featured, Fighting With Wellness

stop asking for freebies in 2021

February 6, 2021

You go to Costco (pre coco), the sample lady harasses you to try one of the products they are trying to push on you; this is all a setup. Think about it, who is going to then down a nice seasoned lady? Many people would not do this. When you take that sample from her and put it to your lips as you walk away, at times, you stop and say to yourself that this is good. You then find yourself going back for more, and on future trips, you seek them out; this is hood economics 101. Give the customer a freebie, get them hooked, and then hit them sell.

Who doesn’t like getting things for free? It’s one of the best feelings in the world besides real love and chocolate. When you go to your favorite restaurant, department, etc., and they give you something for gratis, it’s dang near exhilarating. However, I do believe that people should not go to establishments EXPECTING to get something for free (unless you go to Hot Chicken Takeover and get a meal and help yourself to that unlimited refillable sweet tea).

Why shouldn’t you expect to get things for free? Well, just like you like/need to get paid at your job or for your services, businesses need to as well. Some of society believe that having a business is synonymous with instantaneous wealth. Yes, while you acquire possible riches with entrepreneurship, bills, expenses, and the unknown exists. Think about it; business owners have to pay for building, rent/lease, utilities, employees, contractors, products, equipment, medical insurance, maintenance, supplies, CAM, and a host of other things. That same business owner still has to pay their rent/mortgage, utilities, groceries, car, gas, supplies, clothes, kids, etc.; that’s much stuff to pay for, let me tell you first hand. Some folk think that businesses are making a ton of money, and thus, they do not need their coin; this is not the case, especially after 2020!

Don’t ask for free if it’s part of your rewards for a customer loyalty program. Plenty of businesses took a massive hit in 2020, and they need all the resources, support, and income they can get. If a company messes up your order, took entirely too long, and made you sick, allow them the opportunity to make it right. If they don’t offer you your meal, product, or service for free or at a discounted rate (which they should in the event any on the prior list should occur), and that’s what you desire, take your business elsewhere.

Featured, The Hueman Races

First Episode of HUEMAN

January 14, 2021

Here is the first episode of The HUEman Races. I still have quite a ways to go but this is a start. I would love for you to feel free and check it out and to also let me know what you think. Much love and success in this New Year.